Diablo 2 content followed the first place when the world was pure evil species ball . And the unsung heroes who defeated Diablo butchers are universal praise , praise . But things get worse when the lord stone cover Diablo town gradually lost power ... So , one more time , to rise and evil is you who bear the responsibility of leaders to prevent a disaster ... .
Diablo 2 has a total of seven character classes to choose from include: Barbarian , Amazon , Druid
Assassin , Necromancer , Paladin , Sorceress . You should consider carefully before deciding on one because it will greatly affect the skill system that players " practice " later . Like many other games , each character possesses individual strengths and mutual reciprocity . This contributes to ensuring that the balance in the game .
Diablo 2 gameplay and absolutely fascinating to watch is the foundation for traditional role-playing genre . In the game , you will discover new lands , to cope with the toughest bosses and completing assigned tasks . A very important point in Diablo II is leveling features . Every time the level increases , the strength of character will be greatly enhanced and you will have distribution points depending on your penchant for combat .
In addition to the above details , impressive skill system , epic also contributed to the brand mark for Diablo II . In addition, the console is also close to one factor causing this game to be successful today .
Diablo II is one classic RPG that everyone of us must have heard also . Fast download even Diablo II hands on the machine and enjoy the " super food " you hit okay .
A few pictures of the Game :
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